Kona Lumenares

"I hide my emotions because I don't have a choice,
You were better off never meeting me..."

♂+♂ | 21+ | ALL RP

reference carrd for Kona Lumenares


Socialite and merchant by day, Assassin and bounty hunter by night, Kona is not someone you want to come across during the nighttime. Unless it's a weekend...he refuses to work on the weekend.Part of the larger branch of the Lumenares clan, Kona was always expected to be a leader in the world. In an effort to break free from his expected life, Kona trained and studied differently than some of the other main branch children and grew up to be one of the best assassins in the family.Now grown up and established Kona seeks only a few things more from life, mainly being thrills, love, and someone to adventure with in life.


Age: Twenty-Five
Race: Dravanian Highlander
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: ISTJ-A
Marital Status: Single, but Polyamorous friendly
Hair: Green with Black highlights
Eyes: Blue-green, like all of his clan
Height: 6' 9" (206cm), tall, chubby, broad shoulders
Notable Features: Rather Elegant, Wider Hips, Incredibly flexible, Swift with his hands, Lots of tattoos across his body
Hobbies: DJ-ing for clubs, Playing darts, Spending his gil on companionship
Favorite Meal: Steak medium-rare and Star Anise cookies
Drink: Strawberry Cosmopolitan
Accessories: Nails painted black, Family crest pin
Scent: Candy by PRADA
Smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
Alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Sex: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess


The Lumenares Clan has grown to be a prominent house in Ul'Dah through tireless efforts and has even branched out to take in some smaller families into their name out of what they call "kindness". Kona is part of one of these smaller families born and raised to be nothing more than a miner but breaking free and making a name for himself on his own.
After training for years on end in secret Kona started leaving glow in the dark leaflets in random spots of Ul'Dah and when he started travelling, in Kugane as well. Eventually he stopped going out on weekday nights casually so he could focus on eliminating targets and anyone in his way as well. You don't want to meet him on weekdays, Ever. (Can be discussed what day it is OOC)
Kona is very prominently known for selling high class drugs for decent prices, subsequently driving a lot of people out of business. He makes it a point for his drugs to give the maximum effects with the least after effects so that people won't die because of his drugs. Kona often refuses to sell to nobles in an attempt to avoid the watchful eye of the main Lumenares family.
Kona may be a hard person to get in contact with so when cornered with romantic interest he gets really shy and often is easy to read. However he will do anything for someone he is with, and his close contacts, at the drop of a hat including leaving important business meetings just to see if they are okay or need anything from him.


♥ devoted | ♡ casual | ❣ crush | ✿ mutual attraction | ★ platonic | ☢ antagonistic
♕ trusted | ⚜ to be protected | ☘ optimistic | ✣ unsure

>Aulen Mistbreaker♕⚜
Us RP-ing long-term willc ould lead to you being here!


When Kona was a child he was so scared of silhouettes in the dark that he once threw a jar laced with his aether at the corner of the room. After careful training he learned how to lace weapons with aether so that they could cut through anything like butter, including flesh and bone. He uses aether laced kunai to eliminate targets and track people who manage to get away from him. Alternatively he can close deep wounds by using the same principle.